Sunday, March 29, 2009

Old Photos, Great Memories, They LIVE FOREVER!

Facinating. Nostalgic. Funny. Irreverent.
At least these are some of the comments and reactions I received from so many friends and colleagues after my latest postings of old and vintage photographs of so many people, including mine of a wonderful past.

It is also amazing and amusing to know how many people really look at these photos with matching comments (silly and hysterical).

And I think the main reason for such reactions and interest is the simple fact of a happy and full-of-life-episodes in our past...mostly adventurous and creative, witch eventually created and became the kind of persons we all are now. Our lives then were no more different from the lives we all have now. We are just older, wiser, hard working creative people and responsibly more open minded than our own parents. I guess growing up the way we did had some advantages although a few of our friends just didn't end up the way most of us did. And fortunately, mostly everyone still looks fabulous and beautiful ( add or take a few pounds!)

Looking back, all of a sudden, I realized how different growing up in the 70's and the 80's, and how that period shaped my life and so many people around me. It was fun and free and careless, but at present time, we can all say we did pretty well. The best part of all of these, is the fact that at that time, nobody even felt like we were all struggling, we all had no money, and what the future will be was never even thought about.
Oh well, this is a continuing series of thoughts and observations, reactions and more laughter along the way ;-)

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